The Roman and Late Roman City. Римският и късноантичният град. Международна научна конференция. (Велико Търново 26-30 юли 2000) -

The Roman and Late Roman City. Римският и късноантичният град. Международна научна конференция. (Велико Търново 26-30 юли 2000)
Обем: 438 стр.
Формат в мм.: 215х290
Издател: ИК "АИ "Проф. Марин Дринов""
Твърда подвързия
Дата на включване: 2002-05-17
Нашата цена: 28.80 лв

The International Conference "The Roman and Late Roman City" was dedicated to the centennial anniversary of archaeological exploration of Nicopolis ad Istrum and the fifteenth anniversary of Bulgarian-English joint archaeological research work. The papers included in the present volume put to consideration the main results of these scientific activities as well as the most recent discoveries of Bulgarian and foreign archaeologists in the field of the discussed problems of ancient culture.

The volume will be a necessary and useful reading matter for specialists and students.